Fello makes it easy to get support from someone who’s been in your shoes — for less than half the cost of therapy.
Sign up nowAddiction
Alcohol use
Dealing with change
Eating disorder
Family issues
Financial stress
Health issues
Identity struggles
Job loss
Loss of loved ones
Spectrum disorder
Cheaper than therapy
Get help for less than half the cost of therapy.
Get help anytime, anywhere
Book a 30-minute video call today.
Judgement-free support.
Talk to someone who’s been through it too.
Fellos are real, vetted and trained people who’ve already experienced what you’re going through, and are ready to help.
"Losing both of my parents during the pandemic led me into a period of depression and anxiety, which ultimately sparked my desire to support others going through similar struggles."
"I’m the mom to five amazing humans and one grandmuffin. I spent the first half of my life surviving. I plan to spend the second half thriving and am happy to be a Fello."
"I’m a grief coach, death doula, and mother of two kiddos. I think our relationships with others is everything and deeply believe we are able to break cycles by adding to our toolbox."
"I’m a father to three adult children. My middle son is 27 and has Down Syndrome. I’ve navigated supporting him through medical issues, the education system, and work, all while raising his siblings."
Simply put, Fello connects you with people who've been there. Fello is a community where you get affordable, practical guidance from someone who has shared life experience and has successfully overcome challenges you are facing.
A 30-minute video check-in with someone who's been in your shoes is just $40.
You can get support from people who have gone through alcohol use, drug use, parenting, and relationship challenges. Here are some example challenges in each category:
-Alcohol or Drug Use: reducing consumption or getting sober
-Parenting: infertility, pregnancy, adoption, postpartum, special needs child, child with serious illness, single parenting, divorced parenting, and various infant-, toddler-, young child-, and teen-specific issues
-Relationships: communication, appreciation, or financial issues, bad breakup, divorce, infidelity, re-entering dating, widow/widower, loneliness, and more
A Fello is someone sharing their specific lived experience to help others who are going through a similar situation. Fellos help you get through what you're going through. All Fellos receive training in meeting Finders' needs, active listening, effective support methods and crisis management, and must pass an assessment before offering check-ins.